Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Francis Coates Jones

The Library Training has paid off. I just found this great image of Francis Coates Jones at the easel in his studio with a model, using WorldCat. The image is from the Worchester Art Museum and it dates from 1895. OCLC: 220204436, if you are interested.

Remember you can click on the image to enlarge it.

Andrew Wyeth

Farnsworth Art Museum in Maine has a Wyeth Center. It has a lot of information about the Wyeths in Maine as well as the historic properties that they maintain. This mostly has to do with Andrew Wyeth. Enjoy!

James Henry Beard

For those of you interested in James Henry Beard, he has quite a few paintings in the Cincinnati Art Museum. He lived in Cincinnati from 1834 to about 1870, so it makes sense that the city would have some of his paintings.

Click here to access the museum's collection database and then just search his name. They have a number of his paintings. A lot of them are earlier than ours and you can see some of his portraits.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hi again,
I just ran across this neat website on Whistler's correspondence. He and Dannat were friends.

William Turner Dannat
Link to James Whistler's correspondence to and about Dannat

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Charlie Dye
Dye was one of the four founding members of the Cowboy Artists of America.

John Falter
Biography at Museum of Nebraska Art

Edward Lamson Henry
Essay on Henry

William McGregor Paxton
He is a new addition to the exhibition. Art Renewal Center Page

J. Alden Weir
Link to the Weir Farm National Historic Site

Welcome to the Pearl Docent Blog

Hi Docents,
I hope this will be a useful for you in preparation for our upcoming exhibition. I will be posting interesting things I find on the Hosek Collection and I hope you will do the same. I think more than ever it is important that we share information.

Here are some interesting tips and links that I have found in the past few days:

Jennie Brownscombe
Brownscombe did a very famous painting of the first Thanksgiving, which you can see in this wikipedia article on Thanksgiving.

John Clymer

John Clymer had a museum created in his honor in Kittitas County, Washington.

This is a link to a virtual tour that you can take of a reconstruction of his studio.

Excerpts from a book about John Clymer,

John Clymer, an Artist's Rendezvous with the Frontier West

by Walt Reed

I am working my way down the alphabet. Feel free to post any interesting you come across.